We have also made a list of top grossing apps in Google Play Store 2022 as we think it may be helpful. Now let's dive into the top grossing apps in Apple App Store 2022.
Based on SensorTower’s statistics, total downloads in Apple’s App Store reached 32B in 2022, which is almost the same as in 2021, enjoying a slight increase of 0.55%. At the same time, total revenue in App Stores sees a more significant increase of 1.22% in the whole of 2022. This article is going to break down the Appstore data, to bring you more insight into the changes in the iOS app economy. All statistic from this report is based on the Sensor Tower’s tracking data.
App Category Downloads and Revenue Ranking in 2022 for All Countries
Gaming apps and Social Networking apps are the only two categories experiencing downturns in all 3 aspects - Downloads, Revenue and RPD, though Gaming Apps revenue remains over 50% of the App Store’s revenue. We will break down the charts into major regions in the following.
Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 Downloads by Country
The top 10 downloads changed a bit with India surpassing Saudi Arabia in the 10th place, and the rest remaining in their seats. The United States and China still covered over 40% of the global downloads, although both decreased slightly. Among the top 10 downloads by country, Brazil has the most significant increase, by 7%.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 Revenues by Country
The top 10 revenues countries in 2021 maintain their positions in 2022, and 8 out of ten have enjoyed an upward development, only China and Japan endured downward developments.

Source: Sensor Tower
Following, this article is going to go deeper into major regions of the world, check and compare local top 10 iOS APPs and categories in Apple’s App Store, which provide us with more information about the app economy and trends in each region.
Data Summary
- Among all regions we compared, the revenue growth ranking:
South America(27.32%) > Latin America(24.32%)> Middle East(13.80%) > North America(9.09%)> Southeast Asia(5.57%) > Europe(5.42%) - Gaming Apps keep ranking No.1 in app revenue among all regions, but most regions have endured a downward trend in 2022, and only Southeast Asia hardly maintains a positive performance;
- Regarding iOS app monetization, from the top 10 ranking apps, FREE is a significant approach for non-gaming apps to acquire their user base and finally convert users by in-app purchases and in-app subscriptions; While gaming apps have abundant monetization approaches.
- Entertainment apps perform the best around the world, recording over 30% growth in revenue in all regions, while Social Networking Apps are second to Gaming apps in terms of downward growth.
- RPD in North America towers over other regions, followed by Europe. What’s more, Entertainment apps have rather higher RPD over other app categories among all regions.
Top 10 Grossing Apps in North America
Video streaming/entertainment apps like Youtube, TikTok, HBO, Disney and Hulu still dominate the major ranking in North America, while 3 gaming apps (Candy Crush Saga, Roblox, Royal Match) and 2 dating apps (Tinder, Bumble). TikTok is the fastest-growing app in revenue.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 App Categories in North America

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 Grossing Apps in Europe (35 countries)
Half of the Top 10 apps in Europe have decreased in revenue in 2022, with 4 of them being gaming apps. TikTok is the fastest-growing app in revenue.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 App Categories in Europe (35 countries)
Entertainment Apps perform the best in revenue growth while Social Networking Apps suffered the worst decrease in Europe in the year 2022.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 Grossing Apps in Latin America (17 countries)
It’s amazing that two Entertainment apps - HBO MAX and Star+ lead the revenue growth in Latin America. Only three out of ten top-grossing apps are gaming apps in Latin America.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 App Categories in Latin America (17 countries)
Most app categories enjoyed a two-digit increase in revenue in Latin America, except Games and Social Networking, with overall iOS app revenue having increased by 24%.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 Grossing Apps in Middle East (8 countries)
All gaming apps (PUBG, Yalla Ludo, Roblox) in the Top 10 have a shrunken app revenue in 2022. LinkedIn is the only Business Apps in the region Top 10 Grossing Apps here.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 App Categories in the Middle East (8 countries)
App categories have a bit of polarization in revenue growth in the Middle East, with 4/10 categories enjoying a 50% increase, and the rest just has a moderate increase or decrease.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 Grossing Apps in South America (10 countries)
Much like Latin America, two Entertainment apps - HBO MAX and Star+, have a robust increase in South America.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 App Categories in South America (10 countries)
South America has the highest growth rate in Apple Store’s App revenue in 2022, especially Photos & Video, Lifestyle, Entertainment and Productivity. The share of gaming apps is the least in App Store revenue among all regions, less than 30%.

Source: Sensor Tower
Top 10 Grossing Apps in Southeast Asia (7 countries)
Seven out of 10 Top Grossing Apps in Southeast Asia are gaming apps, with 6 of them decreasing in revenues in the year 2022.

Source: Sensor Tower
Gaming Apps have the largest share of Apple Store’s revenue in Southeast Asia, closing to 60%. Still, it is the only region to maintain a positive growth rate in gaming apps’ revenue in 2022.
Source: Sensor Tower
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2022 Annual Report: Top Grossing Apps and Categories in App Store