How to Choose High-Converting Keywords for ASO?

Unlock the secrets to boosting app visibility and downloads with strategic keyword selection.

In today's digital age, mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. With millions of apps vying for attention in the app stores, it has become increasingly challenging for developers to ensure their app stands out amidst the competition. This is where App Store Optimization (ASO) plays a crucial role. ASO is the process of optimizing mobile apps to rank higher in app store search results, driving more visibility and ultimately leading to increased downloads.

One of the key elements of ASO is choosing the right keywords. Keywords are the words or phrases that users type into the search bar when looking for an app. By incorporating relevant keywords into your app's metadata, you can increase its visibility and attract more potential users. In this blog, we will delve into the art of choosing and utilizing keywords that convert, thereby maximizing ASO for app store success.

The Importance of Keywords for App

Keywords are the bridge between your app and its potential users. When users search for specific terms, the App Store's algorithms match those terms with the keywords associated with your app. Therefore, selecting the right keywords directly impacts your app's visibility and, consequently, its success.

Research and Analyze Keywords

Before choosing keywords for your app, it's essential to research and analyze which keywords are most relevant to your app's content and target audience.

Relevance is Key: Begin by brainstorming keywords relevant to your app. Consider its core features, functionalities, and purpose. Put yourself in the user's shoes and think about the terms they might use to find an app like yours.

Competitor Analysis: Analyze the keywords your competitors are targeting. Identify common terms and phrases, but also look for gaps or opportunities where your app can differentiate itself. 

Understand Your Audience: Conduct thorough research to identify the language, terms, and phrases your potential users are likely to use when searching for an app similar to yours.

User Feedback and Reviews: Pay attention to user reviews of your app and your competitors'. Users often use specific language that can provide valuable insights into the keywords they associate with certain features or functionalities.

Utilize ASO Tools: Leverage ASO tools such as Sensor Tower, Google Keyword Planner, or App Annie to get data-driven insights into keyword performance. These tools can help you identify high-traffic keywords and evaluate their competitiveness.

Pay Attention to Long-tail Keywords

While broad keywords may attract more traffic, they often come with higher competition. Incorporate long-tail keywords – more specific phrases – to target users with a clearer intent and potentially lower competition. 

For example, instead of targeting "fitness app," consider using long-tail keywords such as "beginner yoga workouts" or "home cardio exercises." These specific phrases are more likely to attract users who are actively seeking what your app offers.

Balance Relevance and Search Volume

When selecting keywords, it's crucial to strike a balance between relevance and search volume. Highly relevant keywords that directly relate to your app's features and functionalities are essential for attracting the right audience. 

At the same time, aim for keywords with a moderate to high search volume to ensure that your app gets sufficient exposure. Utilize ASO tools to gauge the search volume and competitiveness of your chosen keywords.

Implement Keywords Effectively

Title and Subtitle: Place the most important keywords in your app's title and subtitle. These elements heavily influence search rankings.

App Description: Craft a compelling app description that incorporates relevant keywords naturally. Focus on conveying the unique value proposition of your app.

Keyword Field: Utilize the designated keyword field in the App Store Connect to include additional keywords. Ensure you use this space wisely, as it directly impacts search visibility.

Visual Elements: App Store algorithms consider visual elements like screenshots and app icons. Use visuals that align with your keywords to create a cohesive and appealing presentation.

Localize App Keywords

Consider regional differences in language and search behavior. Localize your keywords to cater to the preferences of specific target markets.

Don't Overuse Keywords

While incorporating keywords is essential for ASO, it's important not to overuse them. Keyword stuffing can result in penalties from the app stores and can also lead to a poor user experience. Make sure to use keywords naturally throughout your metadata and focus on providing value to your users.

Monitor, Test, and Iterate

ASO is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and optimization. Regularly track the performance of your chosen keywords and be prepared to adapt to changes in search trends and user behavior. Remove keywords that aren't performing well and replace them with new ones that are more relevant to your app's content and target audience. 

A/B testing different keyword combinations can provide valuable insights into which keywords drive the most conversions. By staying agile and receptive to data-driven adjustments, you can refine your keyword strategy to maximize its effectiveness.

Measure App Monetization Growth

To measure app monetization growth, it is crucial to track the revenue generated by keywords used to increase app discoverability. Simply increasing downloads does not guarantee revenue growth, so it is important to use analytics tools like to assess downloads, conversions, subscriptions, in-app purchases, revenue growth trends, and customer lifetime value (LTV) in real time. This will provide a better understanding of the effectiveness of app store optimization (ASO).

Pro tip: is a top-notch, free mobile analytics tool that offers invaluable insights into in-app purchases and subscriptions, enabling app developers to thoroughly understand their apps’ monetization performance. Give it a try without any credit card requirements.

Final Takeaways

Mastering the art of selecting keywords that convert is fundamental to achieving ASO success in the competitive app store landscape. By conducting thorough research, choosing the right keywords, striking the right balance between relevance and search volume, implementing keywords effectively, continuously monitoring and iterating and measuring the app monetization growth, you can enhance your app's visibility and attract users who are more likely to convert. Remember, the world of mobile apps is ever-evolving, and staying ahead requires a proactive and strategic approach to ASO.

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How to Choose High-Converting Keywords for ASO?

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