Free Development Stacks to Make Profitable Mobile Apps

Want to be more efficient on creating a successful app? Here are some free stacks for you.

Choosing a solid technology stack for app development is critical to transforming your clever idea into a successful mobile app. The technology stack influences many aspects of development, including product quality, scalability, security, project time and budget, and so on. The wrong mobile app technology can set your company back by months, whereas the right tech stack gives you a competitive advantage and helps you grow.

In this article, we will show the importance of selecting the right tech stack for mobile application development, while also providing you with a few useful tips on how to do so.

Finding the Best Technology Stack for Mobile App Development is Essential

Several elements are dependent on the appropriate tech stack for mobile app development. It will determine whether the app is robust and whether it will be able to scale various versions of different operating systems.

As a result, selecting the right and appropriate mobile app development technologies stack will undoubtedly affect the mobile application's immediate performance while ensuring its future growth. Though the cost of mobile app development and the appropriate time to market the app are the obvious and initial tasks, neglecting or undervaluing the tech stack can lead to additional problems in your app.

So, we now have a basic understanding of why it is critical to find the right technology. It's time to take a look at the technology stacks that power the creation of scalable, robust, powerful, and innovative web and mobile applications.

Tech stack is the secret recipe for creating a high-quality, top-notch mobile app. This decision is primarily influenced by the functionality, smoothness, and efficiency of the mobile app to be created.

Considerations, Criteria, and Context:

By this point you should have collaborated on the functionalities and design of the future mobile application, full-stack developers or a mobile app development firm are preferable. To recommend the appropriate technological stack for your mobile app, the specialists need proper understanding of your business's goals and constraints.

As an investor, you should expect to have a voice on the programming languages, frameworks, and tools used to create your own mobile application.

The mobile app tech stack should be cost-effective, especially if money is limited. When it comes to putting your ideas into action, it's equally critical to grasp the technical capabilities and restrictions of various technology stacks.

The challenges that the app solves should guide your decision. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What should we do to provide the greatest user experience possible?
  • How will we maintain security?
  • Is performance a top priority right now, or can it wait?

Ideally, developers should select a technology stack that can handle future horizontal and vertical development.

It is preferable to use open-source solutions, which can save a significant amount of money and time when effectively adding new features. However, languages and platforms vary with time, as do business requirements.

You must recognize that no mobile app development technology is here to stay. With development, the market and customer demand will alter, making it critical for organizations to understand the internal components.

Check out if you want to build an app that will be monetized by subscriptions and includes in-app subscriptions.

Mobile app development necessitates the use of both client-side and server-side technology. So, let's begin our tech stack assessment with the mobile app backend stack.

Backend Technology for Mobile Apps

It is the layer where the business logic and data come together to offer the main functionality of the mobile app. The backend processes user requests to connect to the database and performs Create/Read/Update/Delete actions.

The following are some of the most popular technological stacks available:

  1. LAMP is regarded as the most stable and dependable backend technology for mobile app sets; it is adaptable, configurable, and simple to use.

  2. Nest.js is a popular framework for developing Node.js server-side web applications. It makes use of advanced JavaScript and is developed using and fully supports TypeScript.

  3. Vue.js is a framework for developing user interfaces and single-page apps. Depending on the use case, it can easily scale between a library and a framework.

  4. Python-Django can be used to create backend services for mobile applications. The open-source multipurpose framework is mature, robust, and well-documented.

  5. Ruby on Rails encourages rapid web development by providing a large pool of library integrations. RoR is MySQL-compatible and has its own database.

To expand your business beyond the scope of app-targeted aspects, your backend architecture must be scalable enough to support all additional capabilities. accelerates the implementation of cross-platform in-app subscription backend infrastructure and enables real-time data analytics and marketing experimentation. It will increase the productivity of developers, marketers, analysts, and app owners, resulting in an increase in in-app subscriptions.

Native App Technology Stack

The majority of businesses throughout the world choose native mobile apps. This is due to its comprehensive functionality and fast performance. Furthermore, they have access to various special smartphone functionalities that other app kinds do not have (NFC module, camera, address book).

Creating a native app allows developers to incorporate the device's built-in features without the need for extra or third-party APIs. When it comes to native apps, you may need to select the appropriate tech stack for the Android or iOS app.

Both platforms, on the other hand, have distinct specifications. As a result, developers must select an altogether different tech stack for both of them.

Let's go over them one by one:

I. Android Apps:

The following programming languages are recommended:

  1. Java: Java, one of the most popular programming languages, has also made an impression on Android app developers. It is used not just for mobile apps, but also for Big Data, web architecture, and other purposes. There are several open-source libraries and tools available for this huge programming technique.

  2. Kotlin: Since 2017, Google has supported Kotlin as the second official programming language for Android applications. The language is totally compatible with both existing and future Android app development projects. As a result, developers may use it as an ideal tech stack for mobile app initiatives.

A competitive comparison of Java vs. Kotlin might provide insight into what these frameworks can achieve for your mobile app. However, for a more streamlined coding experience, choose a programming language that is more productive and can easily handle the null-pointer error. Google backs Kotlin, so it may be the future.

The following toolkits are recommended:

  1. Android Developer Tools for Eclipse IDE: The ADT plugin for the Eclipse IDE includes guided project setup, tool integration, custom XML editors, graphical UI builder, emulators, and test automation support. ADT app development is perhaps the easiest method to get started. The plugin is free, but you must first install appropriate versions of the Eclipse IDE and the Android SDK.

  2. Android Studio: Android Studio's code editor includes code completion for Kotlin, Java, and C/C++. There is also a fast visual layout editor, template-based wizards for common application components, a speedy emulator for multiple configurations and features, built-in profiling tools, and the ability to decrease app size and produce versions for numerous devices from a single project. These and other characteristics make it easier to do tasks quickly and efficiently.

II. iOS Apps

The following programming languages are recommended:

  1. Objective-C: One significant advantage of using Objective-C is the availability of a broad project tool set. It also provides capabilities for continuous app upgrades in order to improve existing apps. For many years, it has been a trustworthy iOS technology stack in the mobile app development business.

  2. Swift: Swift has demonstrated some incredible accomplishments in terms of app development performance and optimization. Swift app development, on the other hand, provides a quicker codebase process with fewer errors. As a result, using it in the technological stack for mobile app development might be a beneficial decision.

The ideal option for iOS app development is determined by the complexity of the syntax and the amount of difficulty in the code.

The following toolkits are recommended:

  1. Xcode: Xcode is primarily used to create native apps and games with better user interfaces. It also helps to have them available on Apple's App Store. This framework's apps are compatible with all Apple devices, from watchOS to tvOS. Aside from official languages like Java, C, and C++, this iOS technology stack includes a number of tools and programming languages.

  2. AppCode: Another excellent tech stack for mobile apps that supports several programming languages is AppCode. Developers are interested in choosing between this framework and Xcode. However, AppCode is far faster than Xcode in terms of code processing and testing.


The ideal technology for developing mobile applications influences both the quality of the output, and the pace and cost of app creation. Before making a decision, evaluate the product, project, and market needs, as well as the various technology stacks already in use.

Unfortunately, there are no universally applicable technological stacks. The optimum stack for your mobile solution is determined by your company environment, and it is always preferable to get professional advice.

When you have great creatives for your mobile app, don’t forget to think about monetization. If you are going to monetize your app with in-app purchases and in-app subscriptions, you should use as your backend infrastructure to employ in-app subscriptions, monitoring and analyzing subscription revenue growth.

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Free Development Stacks to Make Profitable Mobile Apps

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